Knock! Knock! invites you to join me on what salespeople call "a ride along," which is where a senior salesperson shows a newbie the ropes. This book delivers a winning sales philosophy learned though years of experience and is illustrated by real life stories that I share along with multiple Knock-Knock Moments (or lessons and revelations learned) that have fueled my career and that I believe will help yours.
Every one of us is in Sales. If you deal with people, you are in sales. Knock! Knock! teaches you how to get out of your comfort zone, to believe in yourself and to believe in the product, services or message you are trying to sell. But it also teaches you to have a great time while you are doing it.
My Story
Douglas Thompson was destined for a career in sales. He just didn't know it yet. After a series of jobs from ranch hand to construction manager on the reassembly of the London Bridge in Arizona, Doug answered a blind ad and discovered a career path he'd never even considered: SALES!
He quickly found that he had a knack for it, winning all kinds of awards and recognition as an insurance salesman and later as a manager for sales teams and eventually a sales executive, who has trained thousands of sales people throughout his highly successful career.
If you are interested in becoming an Insurance Agent
Owning Your Own Agency
in the Senior Market
drop Doug a note at: Doug@Thompsoninsmktg.com

The Rest of The Story
Starting out as an insurance agent going down the street knocking on doors and selling accident insurance, Doug quickly moved into the management side of the life and health insurance industry, hiring and training agents to be successful doing the same. Within a short period of time, his ability to build successful sales teams caught the eye of the corporate leadership of several major companies.
Currently, he is the marketing director for a large national insurance wholesaler that recruits and trains insurance agents and agencies across the country. Doug continues to build his own general agency, which offers life and health products to the senior population. He is known nationally for his innovations in the sales industry, and frequently speaks and trains on his favorite topic of SALES.